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RE: How can I assign a hotkey to run a cygwin/bash script?

Dave Korn wrote on Friday, March 06, 2009 11:21 AM:
> Arun Biyani wrote:
>> Yes. Meant exactly that. I created a shortcut on desktop for mintty.
>> Assigned it the key "ctrl+alt+M". I like my desktop to be
>> uncluttered. So after assigning the key, I moved the shortcut icon
>> into my work folder "/c/home/wrk". The hotkey stopped working. I
>> then moved the icon back to the desktop and it worked again. Now,
>> all my hot-key-assigned shortcuts sit in a folder "shortcuts" on the
>> desktop and they all work.
>   Thanks for the tip! :)

While not much done my MS would shock me, that seems sort of strange.

I looked at the properties of shortcuts on my Desktop, in the Start Menu,
and in a directory outside of "C:\Documents and Settings" (the equivalent
of "c:\home\wrk").  In none was the option to set a hotkey grayed out.
(Granted, MS might have forgotten to do that.)

What happens when you assign the hotkey *after* the shortcut is in

Think about it.  When you assign the shortcut to a hotkey, you are asking
Windows to run the shortcut after you hit the hotkey.  I would think that
Windows keeps a table of hotkeys and shortcuts (not targets) and it looks
for the shortcut itself when you hit the hotkey so the shortcut's
contents can be read.  If you have moved the shortcut after assigning the
hotkey, Windows cannot find it and nothing happens.

BTW, if assigning the hotkey after the shortcut is in "c:\home\wrk"
really doesn't work, I suspect that the Start Menu may.

Of course, I neither use hotkeys (so I don't know from experience) nor
have I experimented by actually assigning a hotkey.  So YMMV.

Good luck.

- Barry
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