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Re: [1.7][python] File operation API to multibyte filenames fails.

2009/5/9 Corinna Vinschen <>:
> Cool.  Thanks for the patch.  This actually solves the problem.
> I applied the patch with just a little tweak.


The following patch might be better.

--- a/winsup/cygwin/ Thu May 07 12:29:17 2009 +0900
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/ Sat May 09 04:39:49 2009 +0900
@@ -427,7 +427,9 @@
         path names) is transform_chars in */
       if ((pw & 0xff00) == 0xf000)
        pw &= 0xff;
+      int eno = errno;
       int bytes = f_wctomb (_REENT, buf, pw, charset, &ps);
+      errno = eno;
       /* Convert chars invalid in the current codepage to a sequence
          ASCII SO; UTF-8 representation of invalid char. */
       if (bytes == -1 && *charset != 'U'/*TF-8*/)

> Nevertheless, it looks like python has a problem as well. ?Why does it
> check an errno if the functions returned successfully? ?That doesn't
> sound right to me.

When the last readdir returns NULL, python detects the error because
readdir keeps previous errno.

1) ep = readdir(dirp); // ep->d_name == ".", errno == 0
   Python check only ep != NULL. -> OK
2) ep = readdir(dirp); // ep->d_name == "..", errno == 0
   Python check only ep != NULL. -> OK
3) ep = readdir(dirp); // ep->d_name == "\xe3\x82...", errno == 138
   Python check only ep != NULL. -> OK
4) ep = readdir(dirp); // ep->d_name == "\xe3\x83...", errno == 138
   Python check only ep != NULL. -> OK
5) ep = readdir(dirp); // ep == NULL, errno == 138
   Python check ep == NULL and errno != 0. -> Fail!
IWAMURO Motnori <>

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