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Re: ln -s symlink question

On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 05:39:04AM -0700, Dan Kegel wrote:
>Hi folks,
>I'm adding support for hidden and system attributes to Wine
>to support cygwin's symlinks.   The following questions
>are not wine-related; I'm doing my testing on vista.
>If I look at /bin/vi with both dir in cmd and ls -l in cygwin, I see
>that it's a non-.lnk symlink, i.e. dir shows it as an 18 byte
>system file, and ls -l shows it as a symlink.
>But I can't seem to create that style of symlink with ln -s.
>If I do
>  ln -s a b
>and then in cmd do
>  dir b*
>I see a 333 byte non-system file named b.lnk.
>What's going on?  How can I create the other style of symlink
>with ln -s?

Either use Cygwin 1.7 or use the appropriate CYGWIN environment
variable settings:

i.e., CYGWIN=nowinsymlinks


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