[ANNOUNCEMENT] [1.7] Updated: {libarchive/libarchive2/libarchive-devel/bsdtar/bsdcpio}-2.7.1pre-10

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Mon Jul 20 08:36:00 GMT 2009

Libarchive is a programming library that can create and read several
different streaming archive formats, including most popular tar
variants and several cpio formats. It can also write shar archives and
read ISO9660 CDROM images. The bsdtar program is an implementation of
tar(1) that is built on top of libarchive.

Routine update tracking upstream merge of cygwin patches.

[[ compiled using gcc-3.4.4-999 ]]

This release is specific for cygwin-1.7.  It differs in one significant
aspect from the simultaneously-released libarchive-2.7.1pre-1 for
cygwin-1.5: this version supports extended attributes, because it was
compiled against the new cygwin-1.7 kernel which provides the necessary

As usual, this package also differs in various trivial ways from the
cygwin-1.5 package: the README references cygport-0.9.5 and
cygwin-1.7.0-51, and the /usr/share/doc/ layout is influenced by the
cygport changes between 0.4.x and 0.9.x.

CHANGES (since 2.7.0pre-10)
o Updated to latest upstream SVN (r. 1249)
o All of the cygwin patches necessary for the preceding release
  have been merged, in one form or another, upstream.
o Remove cygwin from setup.hint requires
o Recompiled against liblzma1

Charles Wilson
volunteer libarchive maintainer for cygwin


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link
on the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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