[BUG 1.7 getopt_long() and recv()] has problem for tftp-hpa-5.0 on cygwin-1.7/win2003

Xiaoqiang Zheng zh_xq@yahoo.com
Sat Jun 13 10:46:00 GMT 2009

*  getopt_long() not work properly for tftp-hpa-5.0 on cygwin-1.7/win2003
*  getopt_long() not work properly for tftp-hpa-5.0 on cygwin-1.5.25-15/win2003

*  recv() has problem for tftp-hpa-5.0 on cygwin-1.7/win2003
   recv() has same problem for tftpd of inetutils-1.5.6 on cygwin-1.7/win2003

*  recv() has no problem on cygwin 1.5.25-15/win2003
   recv() has no problem for tftpd of inetutils-1.5.6 on 1.5.25-15/win2003

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