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Re: Wrong/ inconsistent responses from diff

>> Would you mind to paste the file content of /etc/fstab and, if it
>> exists, /etc/fstab.d/$USER into your reply?

> Oh and, btw., could you please test if this still occurs with the
> latest developer snapshot from

Thanks as usual for taking an interest and trying to help with this.

I have identified where the strange behaviour is induced on my system:

~> mount -p
Prefix              Type         Flags
/cygdrive           user         binmode
~> mount -c "/"
~> mount -p
Prefix              Type         Flags
/                   user         textmode

The change from binmode to textmode seems to be induced by the command mount -c "/" which I issue because I do not like having to use the longhand /cygdrive. I missed this in earlier posts because the line mount -c "/" is usually part of my ~/.bashrc and I'd forgotten it was there.

The phenomenon occurs with cygwin-1.7.6 and the current snapshot cygwin-1.7.6s (20100822) but it did not occur with cygwin-1.7.5.

Any luck mimicking this?

Here is where it gets awkward: I don't have a /etc/fstab or /etc/fstab.d/$USER. I think I never had the latter and lost the former at some point. Not having it, didn't seem to matter. And, sorry, I can't even remember what it's for: even the sparsest system seems to have

~> mount
M:/bin on /usr/bin type vfat (binary,auto)
M:/lib on /usr/lib type vfat (binary,auto)
M: on / type vfat (binary,auto)

(or equivalent) hardwired. (The command umount with any arguments seems more or less ineffective?)

Any luck mimicking this if you temporarily rename your /etc/fstab?

As you can see (awkwardness #2?) I operate exclusively from the root of a portable drive. So possibly one or both eccentricities contributes to the unwelcome mode change: but, as I say, it never occurred with cygwin-1.7.5.

What does your /etc/fstab say? Maybe I should use it and report back. But as a lover of sparse systems it's a pain to introduce even 1 file where previously 0 files did the trick.

Thank you.


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