1.7.5 run cygwin.bat and returned with c:\cygwin\bin folder

Ping Wu pingster_wu@yahoo.com
Sat May 15 02:39:00 GMT 2010

I have try to install Cygwin on Amazon AMI 
ami-f71ff09e amazon/Windows-Server2003R2-x86_64-SqlExpress-v109
The setup.exe did completed with the installation, but  cygwin.bat return right away and going nowhere.

If I ran it from command line it will ended up at c:\cygwin\bin.
I have try to remove c:\cygwin and re-install it and it does not seems help.

running c:\cygwin\bin\bash does go to the bash shell, but non of the user profile apply.

Further notice that the image/Instance might have some early cygwin installation so that the setup.exe default some of the xWinodws components which I was not installed at first attempt. 

The questions:  Are there any way I can a do a complete clean remove and reinstall to overcome the above problem.
Or other suggestions?

Many Thanks,
Ping Wu


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