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Re: plotting from octave: address space already occupied, fork aborts

On 9/14/2011 2:22 PM, Ryan Johnson wrote:
On 14/09/2011 1:43 AM, Marco atzeri wrote:
Hi Paul,
your problem is a new one :-(

max.oct is a dll of octave, and its base address is not 004F0000

$ objdump -p /lib/octave/3.4.2/oct/i686-pc-cygwin/max.oct |grep ImageBase

ImageBase 686c0000

I guess that another dll is loaded at 686c0000, so max.oct
is loaded too near at 004000000, the base address of any exe

$ objdump -p /bin/gnuplot.exe |grep ImageBase
ImageBase 00400000

$ objdump -p /bin/octave-3.4.2.exe |grep ImageBase
ImageBase 00400000

So when octave fork gnuplot, gnuplot take that address space
and max.oct can not be loaded at the previous 004F0000.

peflagsall is not aware that .oct are also dll, so you could try with

$ peflagsall -s 'exe|dll|so|oct'
Wouldn't rebaseall need similar treatment? My understanding from Corinna
is that peflagsall is not particularly helpful (though not harmful either).

Hi Ryan, PEBKC on this side. I was thinking of rebaseall and writing of peflagsall.

The right command should be:

$ rebaseall -s 'dll|so|oct'


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