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Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Cygwin too slow while installing and working

On 9/14/2011 2:22 PM, João Moreira wrote:
I checked the BLODA list again and I only had Avira installed.
Could it have something to do with a windows update? I keep my OS updated.

No, but you're on the right track in thinking beyond the BLODA list. That's a list apps known to cause problems. But it can't be seen as a complete list. So it's worth reviewing other things you have installed.

I got Procmon and messed around with it a little but i honestly don't
know how I can use it to pin down the problem.
Could you help me guys?

You're looking for processes that are running while you're in the middle of a slow operation, particularly if they are getting more CPU than your Cygwin process or are trying to access the same files.



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