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Re: bash under emacs gives

Leo <leoslists <at>> writes:

> On 01/03/2012, at 3:35 AM, wytten wrote:
> > 
> > I have the same issue.  More information: If you back down cygwin bash to
> > BASH_VERSION='3.2.51(24)-release', the messages about job control no longer
> > appear when bash starts.  However I still can't interrupt jobs started with
> > M-x compile or M-x shell-command, so I'm guessing this has something to do
> > with the latest version of cygwin.dll
> > 
> Yep, I can confirm this: The version 3 bash kind of works - but when I invoke 
a bash inside that bash it hangs. I
> can get back to emacs by Ctrl-G, but I have to kill the bash then. 
> I still would like to find out what has change in the cygwin1 setup??? The I/O 
control must have changed somehow.
> Maybe then it would be possible to invoke the cygwin bash differently, so that 
it plays nicely with the
> native emacs.
> Thanks, Leo

I am also seeing this problem with 4.1.10-4 and 3.2.51-24 versions of bash and 
with the latest snapshot builds of cygwin1.dll.

Is there any update for this issue?


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