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Re: cygport/setup questions

On 2012-03-13 15:35, Achim Gratz wrote:
1. Is there some way to specify CPAN bundles rather than individual
packages in the .cygport file?  I don't mind if I'll get a for
each package the bundle pulls in, I just want to limit the number of
packages visible during setup.

Not simply. A CPAN bundle doesn't contain more than a pod file; it relies on CPAN to install whatever modules it requires. There is also no guarantee that a given module is not a member of more than one bundle, which would result in file clobbering, and setup.exe does not handle that gracefully.

If you just want to make it easier for users to install a CPAN bundle, I suggest packaging each module individually, then have the bundle package depend on the other modules.

2. How should I name a package that I patch locally?  Can I use a
non-numerical RELEASE, I'd like to avoid name clashes between the patched
package and later official releases.

IIRC, release must begin with a digit. Perhaps a 0.x release number would work, I haven't tried it.

For the patch itself, I just edit the sources, that cygport is going to
build from.  Do I have to (re-)generate the src.patch before each build
or is cygport doing that by itself?

Once I've created a patch, I copy that patch alongside the .cygport, give it a meaningful name, then add it to PATCH_URI. That makes it easier to carry the patch forward from one version/release to another.

3. How can I make sure that local customizations are always done after
all "real" package installs?  It seems there is a hidden category
_PostInstallLast that may or may not do that.  Also, I might need to
control the order of post-install scripts, they seem to be run in
alphabetical order, can I rely on that?

What local customizations do you want?

4. From the testing results so far, I will always have to do a rebaseall
and perlrebase.  Can I do this from setup.exe (after customization) or
does it have to be a separate process after setup.exe has finished?

The eventual goal is to integrate this into setup.exe, but currently these need to be run manually after installation/update.


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