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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {rxvt-unicode-X/rxvt-unicode-common}-9.15-1

On 9/2/2012 3:01 PM, David Stark wrote:
> On 08/31/2012 10:39 PM, Charles Wilson wrote:
>> Did you update the terminfo database on the remote machine? The
>> rxvt-unicode and rxvt-unicode256 entries have changed, and the (default)
>> rxvt-unicode-256colors entry is brand new.
> Ah. Yup, that fixed the Solaris 9 problem.


> Can't seem to get urxvt and screen to work together though - even with
> TERM=rxvt-unicode256 vi/vim on screen is showing weirdness similar to
> the above. Not a show-stopper, but weird all the same.

Ah, I think this:

o Includes these patches from gentoo:
  + buffer-on-clear: "Please note that, although this works well for
    most prompts, there have been cases with fancy prompts, like bug
    #397829 where it caused issues. Proceed with caution."

is the culprit.  It's causing problems with my fancy screen prompt at
$dayjob, too.

The patch is here:
and the explanation is here:

The point of that patch was to avoid the situation where a clearscreen
(^L) wiped out 24 lines or so of your scrollback buffer.  Good idea --
but it doesn't play nicely with prompts (and other programs) that use
the cls terminfo escape sequence.

I'll revert the patch and roll a new release.


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