Wrong drive when chere opens cmd

Andrey Repin anrdaemon@freemail.ru
Wed Mar 27 02:20:00 GMT 2013

Greetings, Jonathan Reeve!

> I can use chere to add a "Command Prompt Here" option to the Windows Explorer to run cmd, it only works correctly on drive C. For any other drive, the prompt opens, but on the C drive. One way to
> fix this would be to use pushd instead of cd.

> Here's the output of chere -r

> $ chere -r
> OS is CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64
> chere version 1.2
> run.exe is available at C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe

> --- ash keys ---

> --- bash keys ---

> --- cmd keys ---
> Directory menu item (all users)
> &Command Prompt Here

> Directory command (all users)
> cmd.exe /k cd %L

CD /D .........
It's even in CMD help... how did you missed it?

> Drive menu item (all users)
> &Command Prompt Here

> Drive command (all users)
> cmd.exe /k cd %L

> Uninstall description
> Command Prompt Here (cygwin)

> Uninstall command
> C:\cygwin\bin\sh -c "/bin/chere -u -s cmd"

> --- dash keys ---

> --- mksh keys ---

> --- pdksh keys ---

> --- posh keys ---

> --- tcsh keys ---

> --- zsh keys ---

> --- passwd keys ---

> Thanks

> Jonathan Reeve

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Andrey Repin (anrdaemon@freemail.ru) 27.03.2013, <06:10>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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