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Re: LPR output disappearing

On 7/1/2014 3:45 PM, David Masterson wrote:
Hmmm.  Still something I am not getting:

1. GV under Cygwin can display the PDF fine.  That's what GV is meant to
do -- be a viewer for PDF/PS.
2. GV has a print capability.  By default, it (seems to) uses LPR for
the printout mechanism.

gv uses lpr for printing because of the following line in /usr/share/gv/

  GV.printCommand:	lpr

This presumably works for pdf files on Linux and other unix-like systems; but it doesn't work on Cygwin because Cygwin's /usr/bin/lpr simply sends raw data to the printer. If you want to be able to print pdf files from gv on Cygwin, I think you'll have to replace lpr by a program that knows how to print pdf files. I suspect that you can do this by using gsprint.exe from the Windows GSview distribution. I've never needed to figure out how to do this, but maybe some variant of the following works. (I use it for printing postscript.)

$ cat ~/bin/lpr
#! /bin/bash
# Print stdin on default printer.
GSPRINT=$HOMEDRIVE/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Ghostgum/gsview/gsprint.exe
"$GSPRINT" -_ >$LOGFILE 2>&1

And here's a version that prompts you to choose the printer:

$ cat ~/bin/lprq
#! /bin/bash
# Print stdin, querying for printer.
GSPRINT=$HOMEDRIVE/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Ghostgum/gsview/gsprint.exe
"$GSPRINT" -query -_ >$LOGFILE 2>&1


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