Invoking Cygwin vim from Windows Explorer

Sun Feb 9 22:20:00 GMT 2014

On 2/9/2014 2:07 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, carolus!
>>>>>> Is there some configuration that will let me open a text file in Cygwin
>>>>>> vim by clicking on the file in an Explorer window?
>> If there is no simple answer, let's just drop the subject.  I'll
>> continue to open cygwin and cd to the target directory whenever I want
>> to open a file in vim and happen to be in Explorer.
> As I said, there's like five different answers. Depends on what you actually
> want to do.

   To clarify:  In Cygwin folders I routinely use vim for all text 
files, and in Windows folders I routinely use Wordpad for only those 
text files with extension .txt.  For files in a Windows folder that have 
extension .f or .sh or no extension at all, I would like to open those 
with vim in a Cygwin terminal. Currently I'm doing this by going into 
cygwin and manually changing directories, but there must be a better way.

  The suggestion by Anton Lavrentiev appears to accomplish this, but 
without enough detail for me to implement given my limited understanding 
of Windows.

> I.e. just make an association to open a file with vi(m). In a usual Windows way.

The only "usual Windows way" I know is for windows executables.  I want 
to use the Cygwin console application, which I am used to, and not to 
install the native Windows gvim. Googling shows lots of discussion of 
how to use the windows native executable with Cygwin, but not the reverse.

> But since you're changing subject back and forth, it's hard to help you.

Well, I can see one change: originally I failed to state that I wanted 
the selection of vim to be optional. Lavrentiev's proposal, which would 
do exactly that, reminded me.

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