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Re: cygwin installation on a synology NAS drive

On Mar  2 15:43, U-leila\vzell wrote:
> Hi
> I created a shared folder on a Synology NAS and mapped it to a Windows 7
> host system. Both Windows 7 and Synology NAS have the same named user
> account (part of admin groups). The named user has full access to the
> shared folder on the NAS side.
> I then tried installing latest cygwin versions (x86/x64) on the mapped
> drive (at the root filesystem) but got permissions errors from setup.exe
> Setup was actually able to create the cygwin directory structure but
> could not write to the log file.
> Creating directories/files and writing to files is no problem with
> windows tools on the mapped drive.
> Anybody else tried this setup or knows what's going on here ? Or is a
> cygwin installation on a NAS not supported ? 

Does the NAS screw up POSIX-like ACLs?  Problems with FILE_DELETE_CHILD?
The /var/log dir is created with 1777 perms, so the FILE_DELETE_CHILD
flag is not set in the ACEs.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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