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Re: Cygwin terminal weirdness

On 9/13/2015 2:36 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, All!
> This is best explained with a video ( apparently, list don't like videos ),
> but for a quick reference, here's a description of observed behavior:

It might accept a link to an external service, maybe.

> Call "man" on a sufficiently long topic. man bash would be quite sufficient.
> Or just `less` a long enough text.
> Hold down "End" key.
> The screen buffer will jump and tear repeatedly, until you release the key.
> Doesn't matter, if you exercise it in mintty or native console, it is all the
> same.

Patient: Doctor, doctor my eye hurts sometimes.
 Doctor: When does it hurt?
Patient: When I put my finger in my eye it hurts!
 Doctor: My advice to you is to stop putting your finger in your eye.

cyg Simple

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