Pop up GUI remotely via SSH

trimat vincenzo.monteverde@barclays.com
Mon Oct 26 17:35:00 GMT 2015

Hi all,
I would like to pup up on Windows 7 the GUI of a program started remotely
from SSH. I can't obtain this with *cygstart* even though I see the process
running in Windows Task Manager. Trying to add /--interactive/ flag to
Cygwin service /sshd/, the service doesn't start.

I am aware of the Windows restriction /Session 0 Isolation/ (introduced in
Windows Vista) but I read a few posts in which it seems possible. I have
tried lots of solutions but till now I am able to accomplish that not using
Cygwin but with *PsExec* (utility of /Windows Sysinternals/).

Any clue how to do it with Cygwin?

View this message in context: http://cygwin.1069669.n5.nabble.com/Pop-up-GUI-remotely-via-SSH-tp122269.html
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