Tesseract 3.04 - Cygwin64 - Windows 8.1 - Can't open makebox

Brian Inglis Brian.Inglis@SystematicSw.ab.ca
Tue Sep 22 16:43:00 GMT 2015

Schmitz, Marco <marco.schmitz <at> adesso-mobile.de> writes:
> I am using Windows 8.1 and Cygwin64 in order to run Tesseract 3.04.
> Running the following command:
>     tesseract arbeitsunfaehigkeit.hausarzt.exp0.jpg arbeitsunfaehigkeit
batch.nochop makebox

looking at usage and your --list-langs output, try:

$ tesseract arbeitsunfaehigkeit.hausarzt.exp0.jpg batch.nochop -l
arbeitsunfaehigkeit makebox

assuming your output is batch.nochop, have lang data in arbeitsunfaehigkeit,
and your config file is makebox; if your output is makebox and config is
batch.nochop, try:

$ tesseract arbeitsunfaehigkeit.hausarzt.exp0.jpg makebox -l
arbeitsunfaehigkeit batch.nochop 

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