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Re: Fwd: SSHD not connecting from outside(real) IP

On 2016.01.04 20:16, JoÃo Paulo wrote:

Just run wireshark in here, and that is what I got:
3686 466.550797 187.114.55.X TCP 62 [TCP Retransmission] 50346 â 22 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=65535 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1

1.2 is my local server. 187.144.55.X is my real IP. The connection is reaching my machine on port 22. Detail that I am trying to connect on the same macine as the server (1.2) If I use ssh 192.1168.1.2 it works, but if I use 187.144.55.x it doesnt. Any other suggestion?

Have you tried connecting to the external IP from a machine that is external to your local net? I have vague memories of strange issues if you try to connect to your public IP from inside. However, if your router is running DDWRT, then you should be able to get some some better detail from the router itself about what it is doing with that request.

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