#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use URI::Escape; my $prgname = $0; #### find_setup_ini_file ############################################### # Parse Cygwin's setup.rc file to find the last setup.ini file it used. sub find_setup_ini_file { open my $rc, '<', '/etc/setup/setup.rc' or usage("could not read setup.rc file: $!"); my ($path, $mirror); while (<$rc>) { chomp; if ($_ eq 'last-cache') { $path = <$rc>; chomp $path; $path =~ s/^\s+//; open my $cp, '-|', "cygpath -u '$path'"; $path = <$cp>; chomp $path; close $cp; } elsif ($_ eq 'last-mirror') { $mirror = <$rc>; chomp $mirror; $mirror =~ s/^\s+//; $mirror = uri_escape($mirror); } } close $rc; usage("could not find last Cygwin cache dir") unless $path; usage("could not find last Cygwin DL mirror") unless $mirror; open my $uname, '-|', 'uname -m' or die "uname -m failed: $!\n"; my $plat = <$uname>; chomp $plat; close $uname; $path .= "/$mirror/$plat/setup.ini"; usage("could not find setup.ini") unless -r $path; return $path; } #### get_dependency_order ############################################## # Return a hash mapping package names to their index on the "Dependency # order" line written to /var/log/setup.log.full by setup.exe. Lower # numbers mean they're farther to the left and hence more depended-upon, # so the index of "base-cygwin" is 0, "cygwin" is 1, etc. sub get_dependency_order { open my $log, '<', '/var/log/setup.log.full' or usage("failed to read setup log: $!"); my @lines = grep { /^Dependency order/ } <$log>; usage("no dependency order line in setup log") if @lines == 0; usage("multiple dependency order lines found") unless @lines == 1; my ($preamble, $deporder) = split ':', $lines[0]; my @packages = split ' ', $deporder; my $i = 0; my %deps; for my $p (@packages) { $deps{$p} = $i++; } return \%deps; } #### get_installed_package_list ######################################## # Return a list of names of installed packages sub get_installed_package_list { open my $db, '<', '/etc/setup/installed.db' or usage("failed to read installed package DB file: $!"); my $header = <$db>; my @pkgnames; while (<$db>) { my ($name) = split; push @pkgnames, $name; } return \@pkgnames; } #### parse_cygwin_setup_ini_file ####################################### # Extract dependency info from the Cygwin setup.ini file. sub parse_cygwin_setup_ini_file { my ($inifile, $piref) = @_; open my $ini, '<', $inifile or die "Cannot read INI file $inifile: $!\n"; # Skip to first package entry while (<$ini>) { last if /^@/; } # Parse package entries my %deps; while (defined $_) { chomp; my $p = substr $_, 2; my $obs = 0; while (<$ini>) { if (/^@/) { # Found next package entry; restart outer loop last; } elsif (/^category: Base$/) { # Mark this one as a special sort of root package: one # we're going to install regardless of user selection, # so we need not list it in our output. $piref->{$p} = 2; } elsif (/^category: _obsolete$/) { # Select this package's replacement instead below. $piref->{$p} = 0; $obs = 1; } elsif (/^requires:/) { # Save this package's requirements as its dependents list. my ($junk, @deps) = split; $deps{$p} = \@deps; # If this package was marked obsolete above, select its # replacement as provisionally to-be-installed. That # package still might end up removed from our output list # if it in turn is a dependent of one of the packages we # consider a "root" package at the end. $piref->{$deps[0]} = 1 if $obs; } } } close $ini; return \%deps; } #### usage ############################################################# # Print usage message plus optional error string, then exit sub usage { my ($error) = @_; print "ERROR: $error\n\n" if length($error); print <<"USAGE"; usage: $prgname Finds the last-used Cygwin setup.ini file, then uses the package dependency info found within it to pare the list of currently-installed Cygwin packages down to a "root" set, being those that will implicitly install all of the others as dependencies. The output is a list suitable for passing to setup.exe -P. USAGE exit ($error ? 1 : 0); } #### main ############################################################## my $inifile = find_setup_ini_file; # Convert package list to a hash so we can mark them non-root by name my $pkgnames = get_installed_package_list; my %packages = map { $_ => 1 } @$pkgnames; my $deps = parse_cygwin_setup_ini_file($inifile, \%packages); my $deporder = get_dependency_order; # For each installed package, mark all of its dependencies as non-root # since those will be installed if the requiring package is installed. for my $p (@$pkgnames) { my $pdref = $deps->{$p}; for my $d (@$pdref) { # Package $p depends on $d, but only mark it as non-root if $p # was to the right of $d in the dependency order list written by # setup.exe on the last install. Otherwise, setup.exe is saying # $p is more depended-upon than $d, which means we're looking at # a dependency graph cycle. That means we always call the least # depended-upon package in that loop as the "root," but that # choice is not important. What that matters is that we avoid # marking all packages in that loop as non-root, since then none # of them get installed. $packages{$d} = 0 if $deporder->{$p} > $deporder->{$d}; } } # Collect list of root packages and print it out print join ',', sort(grep { $packages{$_} == 1 } @$pkgnames);