[ANNOUNCEMENT] mesa 13.0.5-1

Yaakov Selkowitz yselkowitz@cygwin.com
Tue Feb 21 03:25:00 GMT 2017

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* mesa-13.0.5-1
* dri-drivers-13.0.5-1
* libglapi0-13.0.5-1
* libGL1-13.0.5-1
* libGL-devel-13.0.5-1
* libOSMesa8-13.0.5-1
* libOSMesa-devel-13.0.5-1
* libEGL1-13.0.5-1
* libEGL-devel-13.0.5-1
* libGLESv2_2-13.0.5-1
* libGLESv2-devel-13.0.5-1
* windowsdriproto-13.0.5-1

Mesa is an open-source implementation of the OpenGL, OpenGL ES, and EGL 
specifications for rendering interactive 3D graphics.

Complete documentation on OpenGL usage and configuration can be found here:


This is an update to the latest upstream stable release, and was built with 
the new LLVM 3.9.


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