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Re: Fork issue on W10 WOW

On 2018-07-14 11:58, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Marco Atzeri writes:
> Anyway, the only time I've seen similar behaviour was when some other
> library was occupying the address space the systems libraries should
> have occupied, and the they get some extremely random address assigned
> until the next reboot.  To do this the other library must however be
> loaded pretty early in the boot process.  If you wrote the mail on said
> laptop, this
>> Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.
> might be an explanation for the whole thing.  AVG is well known for
> intercepting things already during boot and loading a bunch of their
> libraries early.  Some of it is still done even if you switch it off
> completely and some changes to the registry might even survive a
> deinstallation.

+1 for AVG BLODA - had to deinstall that years ago, and was slow; only reason I
still run an AV is to catch stuff, either in Windows binaries from download
sources about which little info is publicly available, or in email which folks I
trust forward once in a blue moon, from their greedy or gullible infected
friends, who are in the main, clueless or in denial about it.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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