Shield openings for ventilation or acoustic/visual contact

Holland Shielding Systems BV
Mon Apr 15 08:55:00 GMT 2019

Hello Sir/Madam,

Honeycomb vents are used to shield openings for ventilation or acoustic/visual contact. We can make these vents according to your drawing within a few days, or you can use our standard range from stock.

We can supply Honeycomb vents with frames, pre-drilled with fasteners or with flow-drilled thread holes. The standard material is aluminium which can be given a nickel finish (or any other finish you choose).
If high shielding levels are required, the use of cross-cell honeycombs is recommended. These are constructed from multiple sections of 6.35 mm or 12.7 mm or 25.3 mm thick honeycombs within a single frame. The shielding performance will improve as air flow is decreased, but not eliminated.

For military applications we make a heavy hot-dip galvanized mild-steel version; please contact us for more information.

Honeycombs are also frequently used as flow straighteners to create a laminar flow.

Best Regards,

ing. Jan van Tienhoven
Holland Shielding Systems BV

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